Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dandelion Cookies

Spring is here and so are my favorite yellow "flowers"...dandelions!  What preschool age kid doesn't love to pick these little golden gems?  Each spring when I was in my classroom I would make dandelion cookies with my kiddos...I cannot even begin to remember where the recipe came from or else I would give proper credit...most likely a Mailbox magazine circa 1996. 

Today in my college level preschool/kindergarten curriculum class we were talking about "cooking" in the classroom and all the wonderful skills and concepts that children gain from such experiences. "big" girls made their own dandelion cookies today.  Here is what you need:  vanilla wafers, white frosting, coconut flakes, and yellow food coloring is optional.  You can tint the frosting and coconut yellow to resemble fresh dandelions or you can leave it white to resemble dandelions that are ready to "blow".  They are simple to make--spread icing on a few vanilla wafers and dip icing side into coconut.  I remember pigging out on the leftovers at naptime back in the day...I have leftovers in my office fridge right now calling my name. 

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